The 2016/2017 winter season was one of the best we can remember for North America. Our home here in BC, Canada saw some incredible conditions with resorts opening earlier and closing later than they have done for years. We were lucky enough to get plenty of riding in, including some great office trips to Whistler and some awesome nights on the local hills. Sadly for some parts of Europe, they weren't so lucky, with some resorts being forced to close over the Christmas period due to lack of snow. So what can we expect for the 2017/2018 winter? We turned to the good ol' Farmer's Almanac for some advice and tips on the upcoming winter! |
The 2016/2017 winter season was one of the best we can remember for North America. Our home here in BC, Canada saw some incredible conditions with resorts opening earlier and closing later than they have done for years. We were lucky enough to get plenty of riding in, including some great office trips to Whistler and some awesome nights on the local hills. Sadly for some parts of Europe, they weren't so lucky, with some resorts being forced to close over the Christmas period due to lack of snow. So what can we expect for the 2017/2018 winter? We turned to the good ol' Farmer's Almanac for some advice and tips on the upcoming winter! |

For everyone down in the USA it's looking like it'll be colder than last season, but not any colder than usual. Most of the US will get milder than average temperatures with large parts of the South and West getting a bit colder than normal. Florida and the Southeast do escape, with what's looking to be milder than usual temperatures. As for snow? Well that's looking pretty normal all round with parts of the Northeast, central Great Lakes, central Plains, Intermountain region and eastern Tennessee to New Mexico in line to posisbly get a bit more than normal. |
For everyone down in the USA it's looking like it'll be colder than last season, but not any colder than usual. Most of the US will get milder than average temperatures with large parts of the South and West getting a bit colder than normal. Florida and the Southeast do escape, with what's looking to be milder than usual temperatures. As for snow? Well that's looking pretty normal all round with parts of the Northeast, central Great Lakes, central Plains, Intermountain region and eastern Tennessee to New Mexico in line to posisbly get a bit more than normal. |

Keeping it at home for us and we're on to Canada. Overall it's looking like a midler than average winter. This might be a bonus for some but we're not convinced. We like the cold (after all we've got the perfect protection for it!) As for snow, well the Great White North might not be so white this winter. Below average levels of snowfall could mean a poor season for most parts of the country with the exception of some of the Eastern provinces. |
Keeping it at home for us and we're on to Canada. Overall it's looking like a midler than average winter. This might be a bonus for some but we're not convinced. We like the cold (after all we've got the perfect protection for it!) As for snow, well the Great White North might not be so white this winter. Below average levels of snowfall could mean a poor season for most parts of the country with the exception of some of the Eastern provinces. |

So do we believe these forecasts? Is the Almanac telling us what the season holds? Based on the early snow we've been seeing in the interior and photos from our guys across North America we're not convinced. We're going to wait and see and plan our trips the good old fashioned way - wake up early, check the skies and head out when it's right! |
So do we believe these forecasts? Is the Almanac telling us what the season holds? Based on the early snow we've been seeing in the interior and photos from our guys across North America we're not convinced. We're going to wait and see and plan our trips the good old fashioned way - wake up early, check the skies and head out when it's right! |